Monday, October 22, 2007

Observation on SG blogsphere with regards to Section 377A

1. At the end of the day, no matter how much digital ink has been spilled on the issue (or any other issues), it is the government who has political power to decide. Many SG bloggers definitely want to say their piece, but to really change anything in Singapore at the national policy level, running for election and winning political power is a must.

2. The SG blogsphere appear to be overwhelming liberal based on the reactions from this issue. Therefore, how effective is the blogsphere to influence the majority in Singaporean when it is overly represented by a relatively much more liberal base? This is a reflection of US news media where most of the channels are liberal (e.g. CNN) until Fox come along. In Singapore, the mainstream is more conservative, which may be on reason why the SG blogsphere is much more liberal.

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